How do you spend the first few hours of your day?
Fighting the alarm?
In gratitude for your awesome life?
Online scanning emails and social media?
Dogs licking your face?
How does this make you feel - angry, joyful, anxious, thankful? The tone for your entire day is often set up by these first experiences. When starting or enhancing your vibrant lifestyle, focusing on small changes to your morning routine can reverberate into every subsequent aspect of your day.
I thrive on waking bright and early to take care of myself with activity, meditation and super foods. First I let the dogs out, which lets me breath in fresh air and connect with nature; then I'll workout and meditate to energize and ground myself; then I oil pull while doing my hair, make up and clothes, and preparing food, to flush out toxins; then I consume a few of several concoctions and vitamins -- green juice, turmeric shot, apple cider vinegar shot, hot water with lemon, vitamin D with K3 -- to detoxify, build immunity and power up my body; and finally, I walk my pups around the neighborhood to energize us both and set my mind straight for the day ahead.
Yes, this Monday-Friday routine is very specific to my values and does vary from season to season. The days that I think I'll "give myself a break" from the routine or stay up late end up making me feel off kilter and annoyed at life -- never great feelings or energy that I want to be bringing to the world!
The point is to find out what works for you. Establish at least a few habits to intentionally set positive energy and thinking into your day:
Journal three things you are grateful for.
Consume something that will power you up for day, such as a multi vitamin or green juice.
Wear bold lipstick or badass shoes to boost your confidence.
Focus on nothing but your breath for several minutes.
Read an inspiring quote.
Message your toes.
Whatever appeals to you!
The ultimate goal is to connect with your inner self and establish healthy habits.
Challenge: Choose a morning habit that is currently making you feel shitty. Identify a new habit that excites you. Spend at least five days doing the new habit and not the old habit. Reflect daily, if possible -- how are you feeling? Is this habit sustainable in the long term; if not, how can you adjust to make it possible? Do you miss anything about how the old habit made you feel?
I hope this helps you make small, intentional shifts towards a more vibrant life!
Gemma xo